2025 Concord Classic Golf Tournament

We are excited to be partnering with Granada Farms Country Club this year for our annual golf tournament on May 10th  at 1:00 PM. The day begins with lunch served at the course at 11:30 a.m. All of the proceeds go to supporting our kids and youth going to camp this summer with the church. The cost is $320/team or $80/person. Your entry fee pays for your round of golf, lunch, a mulligan, a tee buster, and a raffle ticket. More raffle tickets are available on the day of the event.

There are cash prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, as well as longest drive, and closest to the pin.

Fill out the form below to register your team, and scroll to the bottom of this page to secure your teams spot by paying for your team! You may also pay in person at the church office. Register now to secure your spot, as we only have 20 team spots.

Concord Classic Team Registration

Please register yourself and the rest of your team for our tournament on May 10th, 2025!

The cost per team is $320. Please pay this to our church office or through the online giving link after registering. Entry includes: Lunch @ 11:30 P.M., 1 mulligan, 1 tee buster, 1 raffle ticket PER PLAYER! There will be prizes for: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams, Long Drive, Closest to Pen, as well as Raffles.