
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our church. We would love to help you get connected and find where you serve best. From kids and youth, to kitchen and tech, we need your help! There is spot for you here at Concord! Fill out the form below to get started in taking the next step in your walk with Christ in serving others.

Spiritual Gifts Test

Our Concord Staff Team is excited to help you grow in using your God given gifts as you serve with us! We would encourage you to take the spiritual gifts test below. After you finish your test, your results will be sent automatically to our staff team, and your next step is to fill out the form below!

           Volunteer Background Check

                 Please click here to complete a background check for Concord Baptist Church.

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Fill out the form to get connected and find your place to serve! 

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

Getting started serving is easy! Fill out the form above, or talk with one of our pastors about where you would like to serve. Not sure where you would serve best? Consider taking a spiritual gifts inventory here

How do I volunteer with kids?

Concord Kids is always looking for friendly faces that are committed to be consistent leaders in the lives of kids. Whether that means you hold babies in the nursery, lead a preschool class, or become a small group leader for 4th graders, we have a spot for you! We promise you will get as much joy and growth out of it as the kids. Want more info? Speak with Haley McKenzie or one of our awesome leaders today!

How do I volunteer with music?

The Music & Worship Ministry is one of our fastest growing ministries at Concord! Our opportunities to serve include our Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Tech Team, and more. As Pastor Jimmy says, we want to be "worshippers who lead". 

How do I volunteer with youth?

Concord Youth is a thriving and active ministry. We are always in need of volunteers. From small group leaders to camp leaders we have as place for you. Every student needs an adult to know them and care for them. If that is you, then fill out the form above or find Pastor Keegan!